Early Fire Control
This 1902 photograph of the Copper Cliff Fire Brigade, shows Lorne Fowler in a bowler hat standing just behind the fire reel; Billy Dugan stands by the rear wheel, and Jack Gilmour is prominent in a coon coat. The team of beautiful horses did double duty, working in the smelter yard most of the time, but ready for a fire at the smell of smoke. They would gallop to the fire hall at the sound of the Power House steam whistle.
In the MacIntosh Block, C. L. Nicholson had a dry-goods store beside the Bank of Toronto, with A. H. Beath's jewelry store on the corner and W. E. Burritt’s law office upstairs. The Copper Cliff Hospital is in the background.
In the MacIntosh Block, C. L. Nicholson had a dry-goods store beside the Bank of Toronto, with A. H. Beath's jewelry store on the corner and W. E. Burritt’s law office upstairs. The Copper Cliff Hospital is in the background.
Early days of fire control in the town of Copper Cliff from the Town of Copper Cliff Council Meeting Minutes
September 22, 1902 Report of Chief of Fire Brigade. To the Mayor and Councillor of the Town of Copper Cliff and Councillor assembled.
Acting under instructions from honorable body appointing me as Chief of the Copper Cliff Fire Brigade and asking me to organize a company here, I have complied with your request and organized a company with the following officers and members:
Chief William Dougan
Captain Martin Hassitt
1st Lieutenant A. Doan
2nd Lieutenant B. Griffith
Secretary J.J. Pratt
Treasurer John Lawson
1st Engineer G.R. Craig
2nd Engineer Thomas Moth
1st Branch man H. D. Barlow
2nd Branch man H.J. Cressey
3rd Branch man W. Cressey
4th Branch man George Pettigrew
5th Branch man Lorne Fowler
6th Branch man D. Anderson
Active Members:
H. Kilpatrick, William Hickey, A. G. Coutu, R.B. Price, W.A. Croskery, Thomas McCullogh, L.O. Whitehead, Kenneth Chowan, H. McLelland, William McEachran, Edward Brown, A.E. Storie, John Childerhouse, John Keon, Ed. Smiles, John Hargraves, William Moore and Fred Lee.
This membership for the present will be increased to say thirty-five or forty members, as it is a purely volunteer brigade, made up of good, willing workers, whose motto is “ever ready”. I would suggest that an annual grant be made to the Engineers, on Account of the extra amount of work they have in Cleaning and keeping the engine in good repair at all times, especially after fires.
This evening a full meeting of the Brigade is called for, then monthly Hose Committees will be appointed whose duty it will be to see that the Carts and Hose are properly reeled and cleaned and at all times, ready for duty. The engine will be in full control of the Engineers and I would suggest that they have full power to purchase her supplies and order all necessary repairs when needed.
Every care will be taken of all property placed in charge of the Company and complete record kept of the same and a return made to the Councillor once a year of all stock in the Company which belongs to the Town.
You are to be congratulated on the quality of the hose purchased. You have the two best brands in Canada and the Engine, I believe, is second to none in Canada.
With the present Brigade and apparatus, I believe we can cope with any fire that occurs. Under the supervision of you Honorable body, the Fire Department and Mr. Parsons of London, a list was made of the Engine and Hose on the 15th inst.
Placing the Engine in the hollow behind the Clubhouse, we attached so it 500 feet of Rubber Hose and using 1 1/4” nozzle, water was thrown a distance of over 175 feet and discharging about 280 gallons of water per minute. This was twenty-five more than the underwriters test. In using one stream of 500 feet with an inch nozzle, water was thrown about 200 feet, and two lines of hose, 500 feet each and with an inch nozzle, 175 ft, discharging about 520 gallons of water per minute. With four streams, water was thrown from 125 to 150 feet. A line of hose of 1,000 feet was laid, which brought the hose opposite the hospital and water was thrown on main street about 120 feet. This finished a very successful test. The hose was examined from time to time and not a leak was found in the whole line. The engine, I think, did all her contract called for. With the engine we received all her equipment, 1000 feet of hose, two reels, a supply of nozzles and half a dozen hose keys. I would ask your honorable body to purchase, say, ten rubber suits, complete with hip boots and caps, for the case of officers and branchmen, two [illegible] for the hose reels, as quite often on account of the deep mud, horses will have to be used; one and a half dozen hose keys; four axes to be carried on the reels; one half dozen or more pike poles; pole straps, or chain and ring, for engine pole; a drag rope for the engine, for in many cases the engine will have to be drawn by men to the pumping station; half a dozen lanterns, and a cart should be provided for carrying coal in case of fires. Mr. Parsons gave a description of one used in several towns. One could be made here as it is cheap and very durable.
Processing teams should at once be made public. I will submit the following scale for your consideration. This scale is used in several Eastern towns.
1st Team to arrive at fire hall fully equipped, taking Engine to fire and returning to fire hall $5.00
2nd team of used $3.00
Hauling apparatus by hand and returning six horses, one half of above rates.
False alarm, 1st team $2.00
Teams are to work during the fire if found necessary and to remain with the company until discharged by the officer in command.
I personally inspected the different places in town where water can be procured in case of fires, and find that, with the exception of one or two places, with little expense, all parts of the town can be covered.
I would also urge, as soon as possible the erection of a Fire Hall, as the cold weather is fast approaching and the Engine may be seriously damaged by frost.
A requisition for anything that may be required will be laid before your honorable body, and only such things as are absolutely necessary, I would like the power to purchase. A copy of our constitution and By-Laws will be laid before you at an early date for your approval, William Dougan, Chief"
The Chief retired May 4, 1903. M. Hassitt was appointed the new Chief of Fire. On the same date there was a motion that the owner of the first team of horses arriving at the Fire Hall on alarm of Fire being given receive the sum of Five dollars 00/100 and that the Clerk advertise same.
June 2, 1903 William Fiss was to be paid the sum of Five dollars for having the first team of Horses at Fire Engine Hall on morning of Fire at Steve Yankosky's.
January 25, 1904 Peter Ferguson, first team on Engine Dec. 24 $ 5.00; Fred Fiss, First team on Engine Dec. 25 $ 5.00
May 2, 1904 By-Law No. 32.
A By-Law relating to the payment of members of the Fire Brigade.
The Municipal Councillor of the Corporation of the Town of Copper Cliff enacts as follows:
1. That the members of the Town Fire Brigade be paid:
For each Hose Reel Practice .50 per man
For each water reel practice 1.00 per man
For each false alarm .50 per man
For each fire alarm 2.00 per man
For each time boiler is steamed up Engine Crew to be paid $2.00 per man.
2. That one hose reel practice and one practice with complete equipment be made once a month.
3. That are Accounts be rendered quarterly; and that the Town Treasurer pay same when presented.
4. This By-Law to continue in force until repealed
August 10, 1905 The Clerk was instructed to write the Chief of Fire Brigade calling his attention to the fact that the Brigade is not complying with the By-Law passed in 1904, and to request him to comply and turn out with complete equipment at least once a month.
October 9, 1905 Resignations were read from the Engineer and Fireman of the Fire Brigade
May 21, 1906 The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Copper Cliff, accepted the application of Mr. Cecil Acton as Chief Engineer of the Fire Brigade at a salary of $50.00 per annum, said salary to be paid quarterly and to be in lieu of all fees deriving from By-Law No. 32, that be report monthly to the Fire and Light Committee; that he performs the duties as set forth in said By-Law and that he be responsible for the working condition of the fire engine at all times.
Mr. Joseph Graham, was appointed Chief of the Copper Cliff Fire Brigade at a salary f $50.00 per annum, said salary to be paid quarterly and to be in lieu of all fees provided for in By-Law No. 32. That he be held responsible for the proper organization of the Brigade and that he comply with the regulations of said By-Laws.
Mr. John Lawson as fireman of the Copper Cliff, Fire Brigade, was to receive a salary of $25.00 per annum, said salary to be paid quarterly, and in addition to the fees stipulated in By-Law No. 32.
July 9, 1906
The following reports were read: -
I hereby report that everything in connection with the Town Engine is O.K. I may state that we received the new suction hose and couplings and are going to test same tonight. Last time engine was tested gave good results and if any fire occurs which we hope not, we expect to give a good Account of ourselves.
Yours obediently, C. Acton, Engineer, Fire and Light Committee"
The Chief of Fire Brigade requires me to submit you the following inventory of fireman's
equipment, on hand, and in good repair, following: -
Five Fireman's Coats
Three pairs Fireman's Boots
Ten Fireman’s Hats
We wish you to supply us with enough goods, to equip fifteen men viz:-
Twelve pair of boots,
Ten Coats
Five Hats.
We now have in the Fire Hall locked cupboards, in which to keep same, and each member will be held
responsible for his own regalia.
The size of boots required will be as follows: -
4 pairs No.9
2 pairs No.7
3 pairs No. 8
1 pair No.10
A liberal sized coat, all the same size will be best to buy.
Trusting you may be able to furnish us with the above, we are sincerely,
Your humble servants
Copper Cliff Fire Brigade
E. A. Doan, Secretary"
April 23, 1907
Fire Brigade Account
E. A. Doan, services to March 30 - 07 $ 3.50
John Lawson, services to March 30 – 07 $17.00
A. Timmins, services to March 30 – 07 $ 2.50
W. Hickey, services to March 30 – 07 $ 3.50
George Van Allen, services to March 30 – 07 $ 5.00
B. Griffith, services to March 30 – 07 $ 2.50
William Mullin, services to March 30 – 07 $ 2.50
A. Zettler, services to March 30 – 07 $ 6.00
John Hill, services to March 30 – 07 $ 5.00
John Garrow, services to March 30 – 07 $ 4.00
John Hamilton, services to March 30 – 07 $ 2.00
Huge Grace, services to March 30 – 07 $ 5.50
R. Gilmore, services to March 30 – 07 $25.00
H. Barlow, services to March 30 – 07 $ 2.00
Wilf Leck, services to March 30 – 07 $ 2.00
Joseph Graham, services to March 30 – 07 $
Total $168.45
February 13, 1908 Firemen were to be given permission to increase the staff to 20 men and that four suits complete and four pick axes be provided by the use of the fire brigade and that the Clerk purchase the same.
July 20, 1908
Fire Brigade Accounts
Joseph Graham, chief , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 12.50
R. Gilmore, engineer , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 12.50
John Lawson, fireman , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 7.75
Hugh Grace , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 3.50
William Mullin , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 3.00
E. A. Doan, , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 4.00
T. A. Waulff , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 4.00
John Hill , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 3.50
Joseph Prendergast , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 3.00
A. R. Porter , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 .50
George Van Allen , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 .50
William Hickey , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 1.50
A. Timmons , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 1.00
R. Beth , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 2.00
John Salo , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 1.00
A. Zettler , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 1.50
Matthew Bell , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 2.50
John Garrow , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 3.00
Thomas Bell , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 2.00
Total $704.76
October 20, 1909 The Corporation of the Town of Copper Cliff was to supply Plans and Specifications to the Canadian Copper Co, for a building to be used as a fire hall, and Council Chambers and for other Corporation purposes, requesting the Company to construct same, and that the Corporation pay to the Company the cost of the building with interest in five equal annual installments out of the current revenues of the Town and that the Mayor and Councillors Silvester and McDonald be a special committee to carry out the above intention.
May 22, 1911 The salary of the Fire Chief and Chief Engineer was to be increased to seventy five dollars per year; the salary of the assistant Engineer be increased to thirty seven dollars and fifty cents per year, and that the fees of the firemen be raised fifty per cent for services at each fire but not for fire practice.
August 11, 1913 The Clerk was instructed to memorialize the Canadian Copper Corp as follows, ???, In view of the fact that the Company is shortly to vacate the present General Office building; and further that the Town of Copper Cliff wishes to extend the present fire hall equipment to such an extent as to require the full accommodation of the building now used as a combined fire hall and municipal building.
Therefore the Council of the Town of Copper Cliff hereby respectfully suggests that the Canadian Copper Company turn over the present office building to the Town too be used for Municipal purposes, ??? for Jail, Police headquarters, Council Chamber, Town Clerk's office and Public Library and Reading room, as per sketches enclosed.
In connection with the present town building, it is proposed to extend the building to accommodate a chemical engine and one tam of horses, besides providing sleeping accommodations for at least six firemen.
July 10, 1914 The salary of the Chief of Fire department and also that of the Engineer be increased to $100.00 per year, beginning July 1, 1914.
September 22, 1902 Report of Chief of Fire Brigade. To the Mayor and Councillor of the Town of Copper Cliff and Councillor assembled.
Acting under instructions from honorable body appointing me as Chief of the Copper Cliff Fire Brigade and asking me to organize a company here, I have complied with your request and organized a company with the following officers and members:
Chief William Dougan
Captain Martin Hassitt
1st Lieutenant A. Doan
2nd Lieutenant B. Griffith
Secretary J.J. Pratt
Treasurer John Lawson
1st Engineer G.R. Craig
2nd Engineer Thomas Moth
1st Branch man H. D. Barlow
2nd Branch man H.J. Cressey
3rd Branch man W. Cressey
4th Branch man George Pettigrew
5th Branch man Lorne Fowler
6th Branch man D. Anderson
Active Members:
H. Kilpatrick, William Hickey, A. G. Coutu, R.B. Price, W.A. Croskery, Thomas McCullogh, L.O. Whitehead, Kenneth Chowan, H. McLelland, William McEachran, Edward Brown, A.E. Storie, John Childerhouse, John Keon, Ed. Smiles, John Hargraves, William Moore and Fred Lee.
This membership for the present will be increased to say thirty-five or forty members, as it is a purely volunteer brigade, made up of good, willing workers, whose motto is “ever ready”. I would suggest that an annual grant be made to the Engineers, on Account of the extra amount of work they have in Cleaning and keeping the engine in good repair at all times, especially after fires.
This evening a full meeting of the Brigade is called for, then monthly Hose Committees will be appointed whose duty it will be to see that the Carts and Hose are properly reeled and cleaned and at all times, ready for duty. The engine will be in full control of the Engineers and I would suggest that they have full power to purchase her supplies and order all necessary repairs when needed.
Every care will be taken of all property placed in charge of the Company and complete record kept of the same and a return made to the Councillor once a year of all stock in the Company which belongs to the Town.
You are to be congratulated on the quality of the hose purchased. You have the two best brands in Canada and the Engine, I believe, is second to none in Canada.
With the present Brigade and apparatus, I believe we can cope with any fire that occurs. Under the supervision of you Honorable body, the Fire Department and Mr. Parsons of London, a list was made of the Engine and Hose on the 15th inst.
Placing the Engine in the hollow behind the Clubhouse, we attached so it 500 feet of Rubber Hose and using 1 1/4” nozzle, water was thrown a distance of over 175 feet and discharging about 280 gallons of water per minute. This was twenty-five more than the underwriters test. In using one stream of 500 feet with an inch nozzle, water was thrown about 200 feet, and two lines of hose, 500 feet each and with an inch nozzle, 175 ft, discharging about 520 gallons of water per minute. With four streams, water was thrown from 125 to 150 feet. A line of hose of 1,000 feet was laid, which brought the hose opposite the hospital and water was thrown on main street about 120 feet. This finished a very successful test. The hose was examined from time to time and not a leak was found in the whole line. The engine, I think, did all her contract called for. With the engine we received all her equipment, 1000 feet of hose, two reels, a supply of nozzles and half a dozen hose keys. I would ask your honorable body to purchase, say, ten rubber suits, complete with hip boots and caps, for the case of officers and branchmen, two [illegible] for the hose reels, as quite often on account of the deep mud, horses will have to be used; one and a half dozen hose keys; four axes to be carried on the reels; one half dozen or more pike poles; pole straps, or chain and ring, for engine pole; a drag rope for the engine, for in many cases the engine will have to be drawn by men to the pumping station; half a dozen lanterns, and a cart should be provided for carrying coal in case of fires. Mr. Parsons gave a description of one used in several towns. One could be made here as it is cheap and very durable.
Processing teams should at once be made public. I will submit the following scale for your consideration. This scale is used in several Eastern towns.
1st Team to arrive at fire hall fully equipped, taking Engine to fire and returning to fire hall $5.00
2nd team of used $3.00
Hauling apparatus by hand and returning six horses, one half of above rates.
False alarm, 1st team $2.00
Teams are to work during the fire if found necessary and to remain with the company until discharged by the officer in command.
I personally inspected the different places in town where water can be procured in case of fires, and find that, with the exception of one or two places, with little expense, all parts of the town can be covered.
I would also urge, as soon as possible the erection of a Fire Hall, as the cold weather is fast approaching and the Engine may be seriously damaged by frost.
A requisition for anything that may be required will be laid before your honorable body, and only such things as are absolutely necessary, I would like the power to purchase. A copy of our constitution and By-Laws will be laid before you at an early date for your approval, William Dougan, Chief"
The Chief retired May 4, 1903. M. Hassitt was appointed the new Chief of Fire. On the same date there was a motion that the owner of the first team of horses arriving at the Fire Hall on alarm of Fire being given receive the sum of Five dollars 00/100 and that the Clerk advertise same.
June 2, 1903 William Fiss was to be paid the sum of Five dollars for having the first team of Horses at Fire Engine Hall on morning of Fire at Steve Yankosky's.
January 25, 1904 Peter Ferguson, first team on Engine Dec. 24 $ 5.00; Fred Fiss, First team on Engine Dec. 25 $ 5.00
May 2, 1904 By-Law No. 32.
A By-Law relating to the payment of members of the Fire Brigade.
The Municipal Councillor of the Corporation of the Town of Copper Cliff enacts as follows:
1. That the members of the Town Fire Brigade be paid:
For each Hose Reel Practice .50 per man
For each water reel practice 1.00 per man
For each false alarm .50 per man
For each fire alarm 2.00 per man
For each time boiler is steamed up Engine Crew to be paid $2.00 per man.
2. That one hose reel practice and one practice with complete equipment be made once a month.
3. That are Accounts be rendered quarterly; and that the Town Treasurer pay same when presented.
4. This By-Law to continue in force until repealed
August 10, 1905 The Clerk was instructed to write the Chief of Fire Brigade calling his attention to the fact that the Brigade is not complying with the By-Law passed in 1904, and to request him to comply and turn out with complete equipment at least once a month.
October 9, 1905 Resignations were read from the Engineer and Fireman of the Fire Brigade
May 21, 1906 The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Copper Cliff, accepted the application of Mr. Cecil Acton as Chief Engineer of the Fire Brigade at a salary of $50.00 per annum, said salary to be paid quarterly and to be in lieu of all fees deriving from By-Law No. 32, that be report monthly to the Fire and Light Committee; that he performs the duties as set forth in said By-Law and that he be responsible for the working condition of the fire engine at all times.
Mr. Joseph Graham, was appointed Chief of the Copper Cliff Fire Brigade at a salary f $50.00 per annum, said salary to be paid quarterly and to be in lieu of all fees provided for in By-Law No. 32. That he be held responsible for the proper organization of the Brigade and that he comply with the regulations of said By-Laws.
Mr. John Lawson as fireman of the Copper Cliff, Fire Brigade, was to receive a salary of $25.00 per annum, said salary to be paid quarterly, and in addition to the fees stipulated in By-Law No. 32.
July 9, 1906
The following reports were read: -
I hereby report that everything in connection with the Town Engine is O.K. I may state that we received the new suction hose and couplings and are going to test same tonight. Last time engine was tested gave good results and if any fire occurs which we hope not, we expect to give a good Account of ourselves.
Yours obediently, C. Acton, Engineer, Fire and Light Committee"
The Chief of Fire Brigade requires me to submit you the following inventory of fireman's
equipment, on hand, and in good repair, following: -
Five Fireman's Coats
Three pairs Fireman's Boots
Ten Fireman’s Hats
We wish you to supply us with enough goods, to equip fifteen men viz:-
Twelve pair of boots,
Ten Coats
Five Hats.
We now have in the Fire Hall locked cupboards, in which to keep same, and each member will be held
responsible for his own regalia.
The size of boots required will be as follows: -
4 pairs No.9
2 pairs No.7
3 pairs No. 8
1 pair No.10
A liberal sized coat, all the same size will be best to buy.
Trusting you may be able to furnish us with the above, we are sincerely,
Your humble servants
Copper Cliff Fire Brigade
E. A. Doan, Secretary"
April 23, 1907
Fire Brigade Account
E. A. Doan, services to March 30 - 07 $ 3.50
John Lawson, services to March 30 – 07 $17.00
A. Timmins, services to March 30 – 07 $ 2.50
W. Hickey, services to March 30 – 07 $ 3.50
George Van Allen, services to March 30 – 07 $ 5.00
B. Griffith, services to March 30 – 07 $ 2.50
William Mullin, services to March 30 – 07 $ 2.50
A. Zettler, services to March 30 – 07 $ 6.00
John Hill, services to March 30 – 07 $ 5.00
John Garrow, services to March 30 – 07 $ 4.00
John Hamilton, services to March 30 – 07 $ 2.00
Huge Grace, services to March 30 – 07 $ 5.50
R. Gilmore, services to March 30 – 07 $25.00
H. Barlow, services to March 30 – 07 $ 2.00
Wilf Leck, services to March 30 – 07 $ 2.00
Joseph Graham, services to March 30 – 07 $
Total $168.45
February 13, 1908 Firemen were to be given permission to increase the staff to 20 men and that four suits complete and four pick axes be provided by the use of the fire brigade and that the Clerk purchase the same.
July 20, 1908
Fire Brigade Accounts
Joseph Graham, chief , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 12.50
R. Gilmore, engineer , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 12.50
John Lawson, fireman , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 7.75
Hugh Grace , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 3.50
William Mullin , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 3.00
E. A. Doan, , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 4.00
T. A. Waulff , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 4.00
John Hill , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 3.50
Joseph Prendergast , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 3.00
A. R. Porter , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 .50
George Van Allen , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 .50
William Hickey , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 1.50
A. Timmons , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 1.00
R. Beth , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 2.00
John Salo , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 1.00
A. Zettler , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 1.50
Matthew Bell , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 2.50
John Garrow , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 3.00
Thomas Bell , services fire brigade to June 30 – 08 $ 2.00
Total $704.76
October 20, 1909 The Corporation of the Town of Copper Cliff was to supply Plans and Specifications to the Canadian Copper Co, for a building to be used as a fire hall, and Council Chambers and for other Corporation purposes, requesting the Company to construct same, and that the Corporation pay to the Company the cost of the building with interest in five equal annual installments out of the current revenues of the Town and that the Mayor and Councillors Silvester and McDonald be a special committee to carry out the above intention.
May 22, 1911 The salary of the Fire Chief and Chief Engineer was to be increased to seventy five dollars per year; the salary of the assistant Engineer be increased to thirty seven dollars and fifty cents per year, and that the fees of the firemen be raised fifty per cent for services at each fire but not for fire practice.
August 11, 1913 The Clerk was instructed to memorialize the Canadian Copper Corp as follows, ???, In view of the fact that the Company is shortly to vacate the present General Office building; and further that the Town of Copper Cliff wishes to extend the present fire hall equipment to such an extent as to require the full accommodation of the building now used as a combined fire hall and municipal building.
Therefore the Council of the Town of Copper Cliff hereby respectfully suggests that the Canadian Copper Company turn over the present office building to the Town too be used for Municipal purposes, ??? for Jail, Police headquarters, Council Chamber, Town Clerk's office and Public Library and Reading room, as per sketches enclosed.
In connection with the present town building, it is proposed to extend the building to accommodate a chemical engine and one tam of horses, besides providing sleeping accommodations for at least six firemen.
July 10, 1914 The salary of the Chief of Fire department and also that of the Engineer be increased to $100.00 per year, beginning July 1, 1914.